
Foot Pains  

After feeling the terror of the future yesterday morning, I went into town and found myself at the park. I walked for five miles. Perhaps physical exercise is a good way to control my emotions. They say that it helps with depression. I'd walk every day if I could. Unfortunately, I have real bad heel pain now. I'm pretty sure it's plantar fasciitis, and it is intense. It will subside in a day or two of walking around gingerly, but I wish I didn't have it. The doctor, when I last saw him, briefly suggested some exercise to help alleviate it, specifically rolling a golf ball around with my foot. (I had had foot pain before, and asked him if there was something to do.) For now, I'm trying that as a 'first step,' no pun intended. I might have to bring it up again when I see him next to explore more options. I am not sure the foot exercise with the golf ball is helping, but maybe I need to give it more time. I really wish the pain would go away altogether.

Getting older seems to be a lesson in accepting unwanted limitations. I can't walk like I want, I can't socialize like I want, etc. I know some people my age and older have more trouble than me. I think that one day society will be more compassionate with everyone and help them better cope with their individual struggles, but we're not there yet. 

29 July 2024
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