
Dream the day before 

Slept the morning before his funeral, which is tomorrow. I had a small dream. I was in a coastal city packing things, helping my family go somewhere. 

Suddenly, a man in a red shirt and athletic proportions comes into the room. He stands at attention behind me. I turn around to look and am surprised to see my biological father. He looks good, very healthy. His skin is tan, has all his hair, which is cut short. He slaps me in a friendly way on my arm. I am a little startled, but I'm also used to his surprised visits, so it is a composed startle. 

I tell him we were just going to see him. He tells me, "it's my birthday." (His real birthday is in July.) I look at him, and think about how the other side of his family is doing, coping with him being around now.

And then, I woke up.

01 March 2024
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